Friday, July 20, 2007

This is my only grandchild, Gianna. I´m posting it to give some reality to my present circumstances. Before the emergency parts arrive and we know if this trip will be a success, I want to thank my corporate sponsors. Farokh and Hatice Hormazdi for letting me stay in their home the very hectic night before my departure. Mike Aurnague who hosted me at his home during my prepartions and my son, Ashton and his wife Shari for storing my goods and guesting me between the time at the ranch and Mike´s home.
Farokh also helped me through my first disaster. In his driveway I dropped the motorcycle and bent the turn arm and smashed the turn lens. The motorcycle weighs 520 pounds plus 80 pounds of cargo. I could not have gotten it up without his help.


Michael Ivanchenko said...

You've got some adventures, John - crash here, seasickness there, the only shop, and that with no appropriate parts. Makes me realise, how good it is to be home.

John Caselli said...

Yea, a cold beer, a bag of potato chips, sit on the coach and watch Oprah! I can see why some would perfer that.