Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Quality control is essential, so an expert is employed at critical stages. The "mush" is 90% corn meal and 10% pureed potatos. A chicken broth is stewed for flavoring (with many other ingrediants.)
Everyone helps assemble the tamales. More wine and louder music (from the Mob Album) was my prescription for success. I was therefore not allowed to assemble. My job was to tie the tamales together which I received multiple instructions on how to do!!

This is why I was not allowed to assemble. The proper skill can require generations to master. Also, I didn't have the nails for the job.
The ingredients are wrapped in three layers of banana palms. The palm can be reused.
I felt "special and proud" of my first tray of tied (properly) tamale pairs. No one else thought it was a big accomplishment, but hey, I did!!

1 comment:

lydia said...

Hello Jhon! I'm Lydia. You look great! You made an interesting and big job, because the leaves should be very clean. It was very funy work together. Thanks for all...
Sorry for the English mistakes.