Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Tikal is the ancient capital of the Mayans. This temple is used for ceremonies and astronomical observations. It is over 200 feet high. The staircase is very steep, maybe 30 degrees.
"Roughing it" in Tikal with the other Americans and Canadians, maybe afew other foreigners. The water is perfectly clear and warmed to temperature just right for swimming.

This is a good view of what the temples, or pyramids are really like: huge and steep.

High on the Honduran coast we now understand why sandbaths are so popular.

My camera must be broken or there is something wrong with the len! Its been raining so my body is north American white. But I am not north American fat. (yet) Give me some time in the sun, please.
This natural lake is in the center of Honduras. (I just got the name correctly spelled by looking at a "Cinco Lempiras" bill for 5 lempiras.) This lake is world famous for its black bass fishing. Which enabled me to meet one of my culinary goals of this trip. I wanted to eat a "bass" in "Honduras."

Beautiful at sunrise.

Here I am before the clever combination of my culinary and poetic goal.
The bass is cleaned, sort of, and then dropped whole into boiling oil. The chips on the bottom of the dish are slices of bananas which are smashed, fried and then served.

Now in Hondorus, this is a typical road side restaurant.

Here are the Hondoran hostesses, mother and daughter working in the restaurant and store.

These trucks are backed up at the border. This is a constant obstacle to commerece at most borders.

Churchs go all out with Christmas. The dolls are half human size. Every Chatholic church does this.

Here are Giselle and Fey standing before the chuch shown above and below this picture.
This church is over 450 years old.

The Hondorans have solved the public transportation problem!

Families have solved the minivan crisis in thier own way.

Do these pants make me look fat?

It is Christmas morning, these coachs are idle along the city square. This one was decorated for a wedding.

It was a religious holiday, so I decided to go by the church and reflect on the goodness of it all. Check out my expression!

The trails in the jungles are protected by the park serice with concrete pads. Otherwise, after thousands of travelers, the mud would be up to one's ankles. This path was five kilometers long.
After finishing up this is the way to finish up.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Now this is more like it!
Sitting by the pool in Granada, Nicaragua. Sunny, warm - very pleasant.

The view from my room.

A jungle bridge viewed from another. Can't tell from the photo but it is about 100 feet above the rushing stream below. It is sturdy, not like the rope bridges in the movies.

The best view of Arenal volcano today. The farms below the cloud line are now abandoned. A few years ago toxic gases killed everyone, so now there is no access. On a clear night, the lava flows are visible. We had planned to climb to the top and spit in the throat, but decided to drink a beer instead!

Arenal is the most active volcano in the Americas. I wanted to feel the heat on my cheeks and light a cigarette on the lava! But instead I got a cloudy day and no acess. A boat ride comes within two miles of the flume. I'll tgry again later in the year.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Mike and I summit Mt Rose on Thursday. Unlike last time the weather had turned cold and windy. Happily, it was clear and bright. notice the sky at 10,000 feet! It took me a dozen times to get the camera's timer just right for this photo!
Perhaps it was a colder day at the summit for my hiking buddy than it was for me!
I rested out of the wind for 45 minutes before descending from the summit. There is a natural bowl there in which I am reclining.
Notice the whistle around my neck. It is for signaling and for scaring away bears. Once I was lost as a Boy Scout, the other boys found me by blowing their whistles as they traveled through the woods looking for me. A whistle can be heard over a quarter of a mile - the human voice over much less!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Photo taken at the Summit of Mt. Rose in Washoe County Nevada. I spent 3 1/2 hours climbing to the top alone.
T he rock formation is unique, so this photo is the proof. Actually, it took 30 minutes to get the self-timer on the camera to work just right!
Here I am staging the self-timer. I wasn't fast enough!
This was the nicest part of the climb.
Mt Rose is 10,776 feet high. The ascent is about 3,000 feet and took me 3 1/2 hours up and 2 1/2 hours going back down. The trail is well marked and the climb was not techical.
Stranger than fiction!! This is the "cattail trail" through a Nevada spring I had to make to get to the boat left behind years ago. Nevada is mostly desert but natural springs abound without explantion.
I was up to my chest! It reminded me of Humphry Bogart in "African Queen." I've been back in Nevada since March and am now doing stuff. The shoulder is 80%. I'm looking for another motorcycle!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I will return to Reno March 20th, ready or not. The arm and shoulder stitches have been removed and the scabs from the injuries to my ankles and legs have now fallen off and are indecernable. The right shoulder is weak and undergoing therapy. The medical forcast is that I will not play spring baseball this year nor be fit enough to fly in the Reno Air Races this fall. (just how fit must a man be to nose in at 250 mph anyway?!) Maybe something in the Italian festival. Or not.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

This was my source of blood loss at the accident scene. After nine hours of laying in the rocks and debris my blood loss became was critical. That explains my unconcious states. This is after the stiches were removed.
The right shoulder is now nicely stitched up after three surgeries. Chesty also go some stitches. Anyone can "buy" a tatto. But one with scars?

Thursday, January 31, 2008

left knee. scar through levis.

helmet failed on impact. chin strap on tight!

My critical nurses.

Monday, January 28, 2008

I learned today I will not fully recover. Bone damage is too extensive. A prothesis will be installed late Wednesday for the right shoulder.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Lost pavement one hour after dusk. outside lane closed without warining lights or barracade. I was also blinded by oncoming car lights. front tire dug in and reaar lifted 70 degrees before next impact. front headlight, windshield, reaview mirrors and complete console smashed to tiny pieces. Helmet failed next. ventalaton tubes violated headspace and lacerated forehead on both sides. mout tube crushed chin and borke lower lip. Right shoulder next got five broken bones. right forarm lacerated and still eeeps. left shouler ok but left collar bone broken. left knee also lacerated skin with ten stiches. I could hear the nearby traffic as I lay immonble. I layed in the mess for nine hours. The next morning fomers saw me and call police.
I am well cared for by docotr ric conception in satiago panama. Sunday I will fly to private hospita in crica. I will fully recover.

Friday, January 18, 2008

high speed accideny at nighi. in hospiyai. new pins in arm and shoulder possible release next teueday. usung left hand. vwery tired. no needs. 00507-999-3309 or 999-3146 ext. 1092

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


I am in Doctor Luis Fabrega Hospital near santiago, panama. I took a particularly nasty fall and was taken here for treatment. The facility will set my right shulder and other parts tomorrow and then I will take the bus back to costa rica. when able. i am in good hands and you sold not worry . More in about one week when I am able.

Friday, January 11, 2008

This all green parrot is from the Atlantic side. Scroll down to the Pacific parrot which is multi colored.

In Central America, the land is sometimes so fertile and moist that sticks planted in the ground will sprout and put down roots. So they are used for "living fences" as the photo shows.

We went for a walk with a family and learned that the abundant coconuts are free snacks for everyone. Dad carries a machutti and lops the end off for friends and family. Good for all ages.