Sunday, August 2, 2009

Once at the summit, all the energy returns.

This is a tour group of 16 and 17 year olds from Wales.

Note the rim trail on the left side of the photo. We traversed for two hours before getting to the mountain's base.

The "countryside" between peaks.

Center peak is Ruminahi at 4500 meters, one of our destinations.

The photo´s subject is not the interesting thing. It is where I had to get to photograph the tops of the clouds.

Another summit!! Mt Corazon.

My climbing buddy, making the last sign of victory. Only the two of us and the guide made it.

Cotopaxi. I got to 17,500 feet and had to give up the attempt due to personal exhaustion. Actually, I did not "give up." My guide thought I looked so pathetic (he was right), that he told me to return to the base camp. I was glad he did. The return was worse than the ascent. I fell and put my glasses into my eye socket and was blinded on that side (OK now). The other eye got full of sand and my head latern failed! Did I mention that it was 3:30 am and still totally dark? Of the nine who started out, only two made it to the top.

Ilinizac. A five hour climb.

A jungle river, crossed on a small wooden bridge.

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