Monday, November 7, 2011

This is the mother of all Church Festivals. Just as the US decided to put all of its "memorial days" into Mondays so folks then get three day weekends, Ecuador decided to put all of the miracle observances into the same week so folks get a five day weekend and then call it "Santo Semana" or Holy Week. Be sure to go to the end of this post and see the best gargols in the world!

1 comment:

PJvZ said...

What an amazing blog, very inspiring altough i'm only 23 (History, Archeology and law student, Belgium, Europe) , i love the idea of a world trip myself, still haven't got the time with school and all and even less money, but hey! , i still have time.Youre doing this trip with a mate or guide or something?

Pieter-Jan van Zaelen