Sunday, November 18, 2007

I am "nationalizing" my motorcycle. CRica has social insurance, which means it is a governmental program. The insurance is placed through an attorney, so meeting one is the first step. Then one goes to a private customs agent (with the attorney) and gets the importation papers completed ($150 for the agent). Then both the attorney and the agent go with the motorcycle owner to deposit the moto at the government's customs warehouse where the government customs man will appraise the motorcycle and determine the importation fee while it sets in storage.
Fortunately for me, the Worshipful Master of my local masonic lodge is an attorney and he is sheparding me through this process, which would be impossible for me alone. Once again, Free Masonry has contributed to my welfare and peace of mind.
One of the reasons I describe it as impossible for me are the locations of these agencies and offices. Addresses are not used here as we know them. It is a landmark system. For example, my address of residence is partly "1000 meters south of the restaraunt Dona Lela in Lomas Ayarco, casa 03CC." Which is fine if you have eaten at Dona Lela's restaraunt. Otherwise, one needs to dine out more often!

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