Thursday, November 29, 2007

You know what makes me so made I could cook an eagle for dinner? All this fuss over endangered species. I say shoot one before they are all gone. Besides, once an animal goes on the list the prize price goes through the roof, making them unaffordable for many collectors. The jungle is then flooded with poachers making it impossible for the honest hunter to bag one. Don’t tell me that you approve hunting only for food. After buying a weapon and ammo, all the hunting and camping equipment, paying for the course, buying a hunting license and taking afew days off from your regular job and driving 200 miles to hunt, that is the most expensive meat you will ever taste! If one must kill for food, buy a chicken. Nobody cares about chickens. Cut-off the head and squirt blood all over. (My greatgrandparents had a huge chicken farm in Oregon. This is sort of thing we did for fun.) Wakeup America!!

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